This is for advanced users only

Getting the token


  1. Open PurePKG and go into payment settings (in settings)
  2. Right Click/Hold the Repo you’d like a token for and hit “Get Token”
  3. Enter the udid and model identifier for your tv
  4. Hit Confirm to copy your Token & Secret


  1. Run <path to purepkg executable> getToken <repo url> <model identifier> <udid> on either macOS or Jailbroken iOS
    • Model identifier and udid should be from your tv but technically any works as long as they are both from the same device

Using token in tvOS

You can either:

  • Type in the token & secret manually in PurePKG payment settings on tvOS or
  • Add the keys for each repo in the Info.plist for PurePKG

How to do the second method:

  1. Get the token & secret you copied
  2. Open the Info.plist for PurePKG tvOS in your favorite plist editor
  3. Add the keys for your repos in this format: <repo name>_token or <repo name>_secret with the values being the token or secret as a string
  4. Get the Info.plist to your tv
  5. Go into PurePKG payment settings and hit the repo that you put a token & secret in for and it’ll ask if you’d like to use the values from the info.plist