All Jailbreaks/Bootstraps

Via Trollstore

  1. Make sure you have trollstore installed and are running iOS 13.0 or above
  2. Download the latest tipa
  3. Install the .tipa via Trollstore

Rootless Jailbreak

Via repo

  1. Make sure you are jailbroken using a rootless jailbreak and running iOS 13.0 or above
  2. Click the link for your current package manager:
  3. Refresh your repos and install PurePKG

Via .deb

  1. Make sure you are jailbroken using a rootless jailbreak and running iOS 13.0 or above
  2. Download the latest deb
  3. Install the deb file using your current package manager

Rootful Jailbreak

Via repo

  1. Make sure you are jailbroken using a rootful jailbreak and running iOS 13.0 or above
  2. Click the link for your current package manager:
  3. Refresh your repos and install PurePKG

Via .deb

  1. Make sure you are jailbroken using a rootful jailbreak and running iOS 13.0 or above
  2. Download the latest deb
  3. Install the deb file using your current package manager

Roothide Bootstrap/Jailbreak

Via repo

  1. Make sure you are jailbroken or bootstrapped using a roothide bootstrap/jailbreak and running iOS 13.0 or above
  2. Click the link for your current package manager:
  3. Refresh your repos and install PurePKG

Via .deb

  1. Make sure you are jailbroken or bootstrapped using a roothide bootstrap/jailbreak and running iOS 13.0 or above
  2. Download the latest deb
  3. Install the deb file using your current package manager

Jailed (Demo Mode)

Via .ipa

  1. Make sure you are running iOS 13.0 or above
  2. Download the latest ipa
  3. Install the ipa via your favorite sideloading service/app